5 Top Tourist Attractions in Mexico Tour & Travels

5 Top Tourist Attractions in Mexico

For travelers planning a trip to Mexico, there are a few things to keep in mind. You will want to make sure you know the best attractions to visit while you are in the country. Here are 5 of the top attractions you may want to consider.

Chichen Itza

Chichen Itza is a UNESCO World Heritage site, located on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. The ancient Mayan city is a cultural and architectural wonder, and was recently selected as one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

Chichen Itza was once a thriving political and military center of the Mayan world. By the time of its construction in the early part of the ninth century, it had a population of around 35,000 people.

The most famous structure at Chichen Itza is the Temple of Kukulcan, also called El Castillo. This four-sided, stepped pyramid features sacred serpent statues. Earlier versions of the temple were built over an earlier structure.

There are several other important structures at Chichen Itza. Some of the older ones are worth visiting. In addition to the Temple of Kukulcan, other major structures include the Great Ball Court, Casa de los Metates, and the Observatory.

The Steam Bath is a unique building in Chichen Itza. It is built over a steam chamber and is a heated stone steam bath.

A nightly light show recreates the ‘Serpent Effect’, where shadows cast by the setting sun create the illusion of a plumped serpent slithering down steps. Many visitors come to see this phenomenon.

Visitors may also enjoy a trip to the Tumba del Gran Sacerdote, which is a natural limestone cave. Vuelos Baratos Here, the Maya made sacrifices to their god Chaac. At the bottom of the cave is a communal graveyard.

Several tours of Chichen Itza are offered, including those from Merida, Playa del Carmen, Cancun, and Tulum. Most tours are air-conditioned and include a buffet lunch.

Located about a mile from the entrance to Chichen Itza is Old Chichen, which is a small, old, Puuc town. While some of the buildings in Old Chichen are in bad shape, it is still possible to get a glimpse of what it was like.


Guanajuato is one of the most beautiful and vibrant cities in Mexico. Located near the geographical center of the country, this city is full of traditional architecture and a bustling marketplace. Known for its unique mummies, the town has a thriving tourism industry.

One of the most famous landmarks in Guanajuato is the Pipila Monument, a looming statue that pays tribute to a local independence hero. The monument offers spectacular views of the city, and is a great place for a photo opportunity. During the Mexican War of Independence, the statue played a critical role in the city’s liberation.

Another landmark is the Basilica de Nuestra Senora, a beautiful church decorated in gold and yellow. Inside, the church features gold leaf altars and enormous pieces of art.

For art lovers, the Diego Rivera museum is a must. It recreates the artist’s birthplace. The museum also features a book shop and mini guides of Guanajuato.

Callejoneadas are a traditional folk dance group that are positioned throughout the city. You’ll see men in costumes, and the buildings often feature vine-covered walls.

Aside from being the cultural heart of the city, the historic center is also home to the Teatro Juarez. This historic building has an Oriental-inspired interior and Doric columns. In the evenings, the area becomes a lively point of enjoyment for tourists.

Throughout the city, you can find various festivals, including the Cervantino Festival, which occurs during October. Accommodation prices will rise during this event, so you’ll want to plan ahead.

If you’re looking to experience a bit of the traditional Mexican way of life, the Callejon del Beso, or Alley of the Kiss, is a popular spot. The narrow alleyway is surrounded by brightly colored buildings.

Los Cabos

Los Cabos, Mexico is known for its scenic beauty. It is also home to award-winning restaurants, world-class golf courses, and luxury hotels. You can find a variety of tours and activities to do in Los Cabos.

Some of the best things to do in Los Cabos include whale watching, hiking, and surfing. The city has been hosting many special events, including the Los Cabos International Film Festival.

For a unique experience, consider stand up paddleboarding. A one-hour tour of the bay can be done for about $30USD. This is a great activity for families with kids.

Los Cabos is famous for its fine Mexican food. Whether you are looking for a steak or something a little more exotic, you can find it in the local market.


Teotihuacan is a major archaeological site located in Mexico. It is one of the world’s largest ancient cities. As the ruins of this ancient civilization are still standing today, visitors are able to see many of the pyramids and temples. Visiting Teotihuacan is not only interesting but a humbling experience.

If you are planning a trip to Teotihuacan, you should know that you can visit the site every day throughout the year. However, you should plan your visit carefully. There are certain restrictions in order to keep you safe. For example, you cannot go in the park on Sundays. You must purchase tickets in advance.

The best time to visit Teotihuacan is when the doors open at 9am. This is because the Reserva De Vuelos site is a lot cooler when the doors are open. Also, the pyramids are less crowded during the morning hours.

If you plan to take a hot-air balloon tour, you must make sure that the weather is good. Aerial tours are available every day, but the flight may be cancelled due to weather.

The most popular attraction in Teotihuacan is the Pyramid of the Sun. This pyramid is one of the largest structures in the complex. In the past, it was a popular site for ritual sacrifice.

To get to the site, you can take an Autobus. These buses leave every 20 minutes. They are inexpensive and safe. Tickets cost about 5 pesos each.

Other options include guided tours, which will take the hassle out of visiting Teotihuacan. Tours are available on site, or you can book a private tour.

Before you visit the site, be sure to pack light clothing and lots of water. If you are visiting during a hot or rainy day, you should also bring an umbrella.


Guadalajara is one of the most visited cities in Mexico. It is the capital of the state of Jalisco and is located in western Mexico. The city is home to a diverse culture, a rich history, and many attractions.

Some of the most popular tourist attractions in Mexico are archeological sites. There are several UNESCO World Heritage sites in the country. These include archaeological sites like Chichen Itza and Tulum, as well as colonial cities.

The Mexican government has an active role in tourism. In the late 1930s, the administration of Plutarco Elias Calles promoted the industry. However, the Mexican Revolution interrupted this effort. Since then, the government has promoted tourism as an important economic sector.

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