Google’s Helpful Content Update A Critical Recap

Google’s Helpful Content Update: A Critical Recap

Do you feel that with every Google update, your SEO traffic gets worse? Well, you better keep all the details about the new content update of Google in mind if you don’t want your SEO positioning to be affected. Google recently released a new “Content Algorithm Update” and with this update, Google aims to improve user experience. So, if you are unsure about what Google wants, we are going to talk about what this update entails, how to prevent your website from being penalised, and how to recover if Google affects your SEO. You can also look for the best digital marketing company in Noida such as Digi Markets to get help with content optimization and SEO. But before all that, let us start by understanding why Google keeps making these changes.

What Are The Reasons Behind These Updates?

  • Google wants to improve user experience

The key is that people searching for something on Google should have a good experience. In order for this to happen, you have to follow the usual Google advice which will tell you what constitutes a high-quality site. So, should you worry about this update? It’s just that Google is introducing the ranking factor to improve the quality of search results, which it has been promising its users since the company’s inception. If you are new to SEO and content creation, you might want to take some time to read the old Google Webmaster tips and guidelines to speed up your writing and learning processes.

Now, to know if your website will adapt well to this update, you must answer this very important question. Is your content personalised and is the information it provides correct? They must be aligned with search quality guidelines and it has to do with your own experience, your knowledge authority and the reliability of the information. Once you keep this in mind, you are good to go with the new update!

  • Google looks for good Copywriting practices

Another important thing to note is that Google wants you to follow all the best practices for copywriting. If you are a medical professional talking about medical issues or if you are a technology expert talking about technological issues, you do not have to fear the new update. Just make sure that if you are reviewing a camera model, you should have used the camera in order to make a relevant review. If you’re a social media manager advising people on how to grow their channel, you know you have to lead by example.

There is so much content on the web that the last thing Google wants to do is index content written by someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. This is also a warning if you have been hiring writers without evaluating their knowledge and experience, or using AI writers without checking facts and content. This is against the guidelines given by Google because it wants you to add value to the content and not simply summarise the content written by other users.

Highlights of The Latest Content Update By Google

Google likes quality content is no secret, but it seems that the latest updates to its algorithm are especially focused on boosting its positioning (even more so if it is current and updated content). But what is quality content for Google? And, what is more important, how can you work on it so that each update of the algorithm does not become a catastrophe for the metrics of your website?

At the beginning of the year, MUM (Multitask United Model) arrived, a new multilingual, multimodal and multitasking Google algorithm, focused on offering more variety in its results (several languages, different formats, more useful SERPs) and more personalised results for each person. On the other hand, a month ago, Google (Big Brother, the all-seeing eye, Sauron on top of his tower) released the last big update to its algorithm and made all the SEO specialists (poor denizens of the Media-Internet) run to see what had changed and how it was going to affect the positioning of their websites.

This latest update, called the May 2022 Core Update, has been rolled out globally during the month of June. Throughout these weeks, a greater preference has been detected for Google to show ecommerce results and review queries and news in its searches to the detriment of more explanatory content that includes definitions. Of course, Google developers recommend that you do not panic, since it is possible that many pages will recover positions as the algorithm update stabilizes.

What To Do Against Google Algorithm Updates?

To find out how to act in the face of changes in the algorithm, Google asks us to consult its guide for tips on updates launched in 2019 which it has kept unchanged. And what does this guide say that might be “helpful”?

  1. If your pages drop in ranking after the update, keep calm. They have not been penalised. It is simply that your content has stopped standing out from others.
  2. The updates are periodic and, perhaps, if in one you sink, in the next, you shoot up again.
  3. The best way to avoid the impact of the update is to provide the best possible content.

And point 3 is the key to everything. Google uses more than 200 factors to determine the quality and relevance of each URL in its searches, but above all, it likes quality content. Hence, if you have quality content on your website, you needn’t worry about sinking in Google positioning.

Google Powers Up-To-Date And Topical Content

The analysis of the position changes caused by the May 2022 Core Update indicates that the pages that are updated frequently are benefiting from those with more static content. Thus, if we have two pages with quality content, but one is hardly updated, Google will prioritise current and updated content since it considers that it will be more useful for the user.

SEO is a field that must be worked constantly, little by little, so that it gives a good harvest. If the content is taken care of on a regular basis, it will be less prone to sudden drops in the face of Google algorithm updates and, in addition, the May 2022 Core Update seems to reward this type of approach.

How Can Digi Markets Help You In Your SEO Pursuit?

To sum up, the new content update can actually be helpful if you are following all the best practices for content writing on your website. Moreover, you always have an option to get in touch with the best digital marketing agency India has to offer and streamline your content and SEO. Getting in touch with a brand promotion company in Noida is a good investment that can give you big returns in the long run. In this regard, it can stand you in good stead to collaborate with a company like Digi Markets that can push your online visibility to new heights. If you are ready to take the leap and up your SEO game,

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